Aloe Vera for Health and Wellbeing

Aloe Vera has a long history dating back to the ancient Egyptians some 3500 BC it was used by the ancient Chinese and Indian cultures too. Dioscorides and Pling the Elder, Greek and Roman physicians both used Aloe to great effect. Legend has it that Alexander the Great was persuaded by Aristotle to take control of the Island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean to use its rich supply of Aloe plants to heal wounded soldiers and maintain their health and wellbeing whilst returning from a campaign into Persia in 333 BC. It is also noted that Egyptian Queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra rated Aloe Vera as a beauty therapy.There are over 200 species of Aloe however only four or five have any medicinal properties with Aloe Barbadensis Miller being the most potent and is known as True Aloe.Aloe Vera is a succulent which could be mistaken for a cactus however it is actually a member of the Lily family. Once the plant is mature the inner gel of the leaf can be harvested to produce a product that is as close to the natural plant juice as we can get.The best ways to benefit from Aloe is to drink the gel for its anti-inflammatory and nutritional properties as well as its immune balancing effect. By using it with other ingredients topical creams and lotions can also be produced to help improve the quality of and nourish the skin.However before you rush out to your nearest health shop always make sure you read the label because Aloe Vera needs to be the principal ingredient of the product. Whatever you purchase always look for a product with a substantial Aloe content.Aloe Vera gel contains a minimum of 75 known ingredients with possibly even more yet to be discovered. Some of these include Vitamins C, E and Beta-Carotene the precursor of Vitamin A. It also contains Vitamin B12 and is only one of a few plants in the world to contain this.So, what Aloe Vera products does one buy?
First of all always look for the International Aloe Science Council seal of approval, secondly if it is a health ‘juice’ it will probably contain about 15% Aloe Vera whereas a drinking gel will contain around 85%. Any creams and lotions should always contain Aloe Barbadensis Miller.

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Easy Ways To Maximize Your Health And Live Longer

“The next century will be dominated by the concerns of the elderly” affirms Ken Minaker, MD., Chief of Geriatric Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital and associate professor at Harvard Medical School. By the year 2050, our average life expectancy is projected to be 82.6 years (up from today’s average life expectancy of 72.1 years for men and 78.8 years for women.) The census bureau predicts that 3 million baby boomers will live to be 100 years old or more!Statistically speaking, we are going to live longer than our grandparents did, but the key factor in is that those who are in good health will be able to enjoy those extra years. Here are a few suggestions on how to improve health and live longer.EXERCISE YOUR BRAINMental activity produces lasting changes in the brain – it creates more synapses or connections, which can help make the brain more resilient to stress. Activities such as crossword puzzles, bridge, chess and other card games can help to sharpen mental acuity.EXERCISE YOUR BODYThose who exercise more, live longer. A thorough exercise program includes the following:Aerobic activity. A study of 19,000 participants showed that death rates fell in direct proportion to the number of calories that the participants burned each week. Aerobic physical fitness can be as easy as walking for 30 minutes, 4 times per week. Weight-bearing exercise such as walking, dancing, and gentle aerobics help to strengthen bones and to improve cardiovascular fitness.Stretching. Stretching helps to maintain limber joints and muscles. One relatively easy way to improve balance, flexibility, and muscle strength is T’ai Chi. T’ai Chi helps to improve strength, muscle tone, range of motion, flexibility, balance and coordination. In clinical trials, it has been shown to help reduce blood pressure and heart rate. T’ai Chi is for people of all ages and introductory classes are usually offered at community and recreation centres.Muscle Strength. Your local gym is not just a place for body builders. A study done by Dr. Maria Fiatarone asked 10 chronically ill nursing home residents to lift weights 3 times a week over a 2-month period. The results were surprising: the participants’ average walking speed nearly tripled and their balance improved by half. A weight lifting regime does not have to be complicated. A qualified weight lifting instructor could design a fitness regime to suit people of any age or activity level.VISIT YOUR LOCAL CHIROPRACTORChiropractic adjustments help to keep the spine flexible and the nervous system functioning at its highest potential. When vertebrae become fixed, they can put pressure on the nerves as they exit from the spine. Chiropractic adjustments help to relieve that pressure, which improves the communication between the brain and the body. With a better functioning nervous system, and a movable spine, chiropractic patients enjoy more vitality and energy. Adjustments are safe, and they feel great!MAKE YOUR CALORIES COUNTAs we get older, our appetites tend to decrease. A diet based on low fat and high quality foods can help to reverse the effects of aging and to reduce high blood pressure. Try to include many fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Avoid processed and packaged foods as they contain more fat, more salt and less potassium than our bodies need.One of the best ways to improve your energy level is to eat hemp hearts in the morning. Hemp hearts are shelled hemp seeds and they contain all of the essential protein and essential fats (the good kind!) that you need in a day. People who eat them with breakfast notice that they have much more energy and that they feel fabulous!DRINK MORE WATERIt is important to drink eight glasses of water each day. This goal can be difficult for seniors to achieve because as we age, our thirst centres become slower to respond to the needs of the body. Seniors might not feel the urge to drink, even if their body is dehydrated. To remedy this, add an extra glass of water to your day, and SLOWLY (over a period of weeks) work up to at least three extra glasses of water per day.If drinking water is difficult for you, try using a straw to reduce any gas or bloating that you might experience. You might try adding fresh lemon pieces to your water to improve the taste.TAKE ANTIOXIDANTSJan Vijg is currently studying the affects of oxygen toxicity and aging. The oxygen that we breathe is a highly reactive element that can bond to almost anything. We can see the effects of oxidation in rusty metal parts, and just like with rusty metal, oxygen can have a detrimental effect inside our bodies. Oxygen toxicity can deactivate enzymes, change body proteins and compromise our DNA. Oxidative damage may be one of the major causes of the aging process, and it might cause cells to mutate, which can lead to cancer.A study of Italian centenarians (people who are 100 years old or more) showed that they had elevated blood levels of antioxidants. An easy way to lower the risk of major diseases is to take a modest supplementation of antioxidants such as: vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium and grape seed extract. Be sure to consult a medical doctor or a chiropractor about what dosage is right for you.DRINK GREEN TEA INSTEAD OF BLACK TEAThere are compounds in Japanese or Chinese Green Tea that help to fight cancer and to strengthen the immune system. It can be found in health food or grocery stores.MAINTAIN A POSITIVE ATTITUDEThe way that we adapt to the stresses in our lives can determine how long we live. People who manage their life stresses usually have a better functioning immune system, and are better able to cope in today’s society. One way to help to relieve stress is to surround yourself with family and friends. A study of elderly heart attack patients found that people who had 2 or more close friends had twice the one-year survival rate of those who were alone.Indeed, a person’s collection of friends and family is as important as mental and physical fitness. A study by Lisa Berkman showed that people who have no close ties to family or friends are 3 times more likely to die over a nine-year period than people who have at least 1 source of social support. To increase your sense of well-being, call your friends and family, get out for a coffee and a chat, volunteer, or take a class at your local recreation centre.GIVE BLOOD REGULARLYBy giving blood, we reduce the number of red blood cells in our bodies, and a reduction of the amount of iron in the body can reduce the amount of oxygen toxicity in the blood.4 Red blood cells contain iron, which carry oxygen to our cells and tissues. The problem is that we are not able to eliminate excess iron in our bodies. Pre-menopausal women do not have this problem because of their menstrual cycles. Men and post-menopausal women can retain too much iron in their bodies. By donating blood, the body is able to rid itself of excess iron and to make new and fresh red blood cells.These nine suggestions are a way for anyone to maximize their health and longevity. By taking good care of our bodies, we all have a much greater chance of living a long and healthy life.

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